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I am trying to design software that would help me brainstorm ideas for products. The first method I need help with is the technique I call “Attribute listing”. This is where I would identify the key attributes of a product, such as its shape, size, or functionality, and brainstorm ways to combine or modify them. I would examine each attribute in turn, and to identify how you can improve its performance. Do you understand?

Yes, I understand your explanation of the “Attribute listing” technique. It’s a method commonly used in product design and brainstorming sessions to explore different combinations and modifications of key attributes of a product.

To implement this technique in software, you would want to create a structured interface where users can input the key attributes of a product and then explore various combinations and modifications to those attributes. Here’s a simplified outline of how you might design the software:

  1. User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface where users can input and manipulate attributes easily. This could be in the form of a form or a visual representation of the product.
  2. Attribute Input: Allow users to input key attributes of the product. These attributes could include shape, size, color, material, functionality, etc. Users should be able to specify as many attributes as needed.
  3. Attribute Modification: Once attributes are inputted, allow users to modify each attribute individually. For example, if the attribute is “size,” users should be able to increase or decrease the size and see how it affects the overall product.
  4. Combination Exploration: Enable users to explore different combinations of attributes. This could involve toggling different attributes on and off to see how they interact with each other. Users should be able to experiment freely with various combinations.
  5. Performance Evaluation: Provide feedback on the potential performance of the product based on the combinations and modifications made. This could include metrics such as cost-effectiveness, user-friendliness, efficiency, etc.
  6. Save and Export: Allow users to save their brainstorming sessions and export the results for further analysis or sharing with team members.
  7. Iterative Improvement: Continuously improve the software based on user feedback and emerging design methodologies.

By implementing these features, your software can effectively facilitate the “Attribute listing” technique and assist users in brainstorming innovative product ideas.


Could you show me an example of the results if in Step 1 the product I wanted to brainstorm about was a cutting board?

Certainly! Let’s start with identifying some key attributes of a cutting board:

  1. Material: Wood, plastic, bamboo, composite materials.
  2. Size: Small, medium, large.
  3. Shape: Rectangular, square, circular.
  4. Thickness: Thin, medium, thick.
  5. Surface Texture: Smooth, grooved, textured.
  6. Color: Natural wood, light, dark, colorful.
  7. Additional Features: Built-in knife holder, juice groove, non-slip feet.

Now, let’s explore some combinations and modifications of these attributes:

  1. Wood Material + Medium Size + Rectangular Shape + Medium Thickness + Smooth Surface Texture + Natural Wood Color: This could be a classic, versatile cutting board suitable for everyday kitchen use.
  2. Plastic Material + Small Size + Square Shape + Thin Thickness + Textured Surface Texture + Colorful: This cutting board might be more suitable for camping or outdoor activities due to its lightweight and vibrant appearance.
  3. Bamboo Material + Large Size + Circular Shape + Thick Thickness + Grooved Surface Texture + Light Wood Color: This cutting board could be designed for heavy-duty chopping and could have a more rustic aesthetic.
  4. Composite Material + Medium Size + Rectangular Shape + Medium Thickness + Smooth Surface Texture + Dark Wood Color + Built-in Knife Holder: This cutting board could cater to users who prefer modern kitchen gadgets with added functionality.
  5. Wood Material + Medium Size + Rectangular Shape + Medium Thickness + Grooved Surface Texture + Dark Wood Color + Juice Groove + Non-slip Feet: This cutting board could be optimized for handling juicy fruits and vegetables, with features to prevent slipping during use.

These are just a few examples to illustrate how different combinations and modifications of attributes can result in diverse product ideas for a cutting board. The software could allow users to explore even more variations and assess their potential performance and market appeal.


Thank you! I would like to try another example such as a toothbrush. Can you do the same process please?

Of course! Let’s brainstorm attributes and potential combinations for a toothbrush:

  1. Bristle Type: Soft, medium, hard, nylon, silicone.
  2. Bristle Arrangement: Flat trim, wavy, angled.
  3. Handle Material: Plastic, bamboo, recycled materials.
  4. Handle Shape: Straight, curved, ergonomic.
  5. Handle Texture: Smooth, textured, grip-enhanced.
  6. Head Shape: Oval, rectangular, contoured.
  7. Head Size: Small, medium, large.
  8. Additional Features: Tongue scraper, gum massager, built-in timer, replaceable head.

Let’s explore some combinations:

  1. Soft Nylon Bristles + Straight Handle + Plastic Material + Medium Head Size + Smooth Texture: This could be a standard toothbrush suitable for everyday use.
  2. Medium Silicone Bristles + Ergonomic Handle + Bamboo Material + Large Head Size + Textured Grip: This toothbrush might cater to users looking for a more eco-friendly option with enhanced grip comfort.
  3. Hard Nylon Bristles + Curved Handle + Recycled Materials + Small Head Size + Tongue Scraper + Built-in Timer: This toothbrush could target users who prioritize oral hygiene and convenience, with added features for comprehensive oral care.
  4. Soft Nylon Bristles + Straight Handle + Plastic Material + Medium Head Size + Gum Massager + Replaceable Head: This toothbrush could focus on gum health and sustainability, with replaceable heads for reduced waste.
  5. Medium Nylon Bristles + Angled Handle + Bamboo Material + Medium Head Size + Textured Grip + Tongue Scraper + Gum Massager: This toothbrush could offer a holistic approach to oral hygiene with added features for tongue cleaning and gum massage, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.

These examples demonstrate how different combinations and modifications of attributes can lead to diverse toothbrush designs catering to various preferences and needs. Your software could enable users to explore further combinations and evaluate the potential performance and market viability of each design concept.


Thank you! I would like to try another example such as a coffee cup. Can you do the same process please with 5 examples instead of two?

Certainly! Let’s brainstorm attributes and potential combinations for a coffee cup:

  1. Material: Ceramic, glass, stainless steel, bamboo, porcelain.
  2. Capacity: Small, medium, large.
  3. Shape: Cylindrical, tapered, curved.
  4. Handle Type: Loop handle, straight handle, no handle.
  5. Insulation: Single-walled, double-walled.
  6. Lid Type: Snap-on lid, screw-on lid, no lid.
  7. Color/Design: Solid color, patterned, transparent, customized.
  8. Additional Features: Non-slip base, spill-proof lid, heat-resistant sleeve, stackable.

Let’s explore five combinations:

  1. Ceramic Material + Medium Capacity + Cylindrical Shape + Loop Handle + Single-walled + Snap-on Lid + Solid Color: A classic coffee cup suitable for daily use at home or in the office.
  2. Glass Material + Small Capacity + Tapered Shape + Straight Handle + Double-walled + No Lid + Transparent: A stylish and modern coffee cup designed for espresso enthusiasts who appreciate the visual appeal of their coffee.
  3. Stainless Steel Material + Large Capacity + Curved Shape + No Handle + Double-walled + Screw-on Lid + Customized Design: A travel-friendly coffee cup designed for commuters, featuring a customizable exterior and spill-proof lid for on-the-go convenience.
  4. Bamboo Material + Medium Capacity + Cylindrical Shape + No Handle + Single-walled + No Lid + Patterned Design + Non-slip Base: An eco-friendly coffee cup ideal for environmentally conscious consumers, featuring a non-slip base for stability on various surfaces.
  5. Porcelain Material + Medium Capacity + Tapered Shape + Loop Handle + Single-walled + Snap-on Lid + Heat-resistant Sleeve + Stackable: A versatile coffee cup suitable for both hot and cold beverages, featuring a stackable design for easy storage and a heat-resistant sleeve for comfortable handling.

These examples showcase a variety of coffee cup designs tailored to different preferences, lifestyles, and usage scenarios. Your software can allow users to explore further combinations and assess the feasibility and market potential of each design concept.

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